Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Making lemonade out of lemons....

I always say, if it's not fun, or if I can't make it fun, I don't want to play. That goes for just about everything. I really enjoy vacillating between serious and silly seamlessly. Yes, it's a gift. And yes, it can get on people's nerves if they are not accustomed to the way I operate. There was a beautiful picture taken at my mom's funeral of my entire family. Someone commented, "Wow, everyone is smiling." I replied back,  "We had a great mom, there is still much to smile about."

Can you imagine the picture if everyone looked somber, sad or looking down?  That'd be awkward. Like when I went to Graceland, home of Elvis Presley.  You want to capture the moment, but when you're by his grave, do you smile?  Look sad?  What? Of course my sister and I went somber all the way and it made for a great photo.  Like I said, if it makes me laugh, I am all in.

   One of the worst times in my sister's life was when she made the best decision of her life to start a new life back in California. Talk about making lemonade out of some fresh lemons. We took the long way home from Annapolis, Maryland in her Volvo. We laughed, we cried and I toilet papered the Clinton Library for my Christmas card. My sister will talk for years about the best mocha I ever had, bought in Little Rock, Arkansas. (I guess I repeated in the car 100 times to an audience of one that it was FABULOUS!!)  That one drink made it possible to forge on to Oklahoma City.  Most of the tears shed on the trip were from laughing so hard, because that's how you survive any form of death.
I am so blessed with the funniest friends and family on the earth. As my son would say, you can't soar like an eagle if you hang out with chickens, because chickens can't fly. I choose funny eagles....